Regain control over your schedule and your time for more confidence and calm. Don’t let your schedule drive you into burnout!!!

I know you’re feeling buried under all the daily tasks, fires, constant interruptions and the never-ending TO-DO lists. 

You have so many plates spinning and are deathly afraid that they’ll come crashing down.

With your day broken up into a thousand small snippets (time confetti), you spend every minute answering questions, attending meetings and responding to emails rather than focusing on your bigger, longer term projects. 

Prioritization is a huge struggle… you are always wondering what you should be doing and if the task you are working on now is where you should be spending your time and energy. 

But it all has to get done!!!!!!!!!!!                      

Trying to triage like you’re an ER doctor combined with constant second-guessing is not only exhausting, but is also a huge waste of your already precious and limited time.

All of this results in you taking work home to finish in the evenings and on weekends. 

You know that if you don’t resolve your time management struggles and get a handle on your calendar, work will continue to interfere with your free time. You won’t get the rest you need to fill up, you’ll continue running on empty until eventually…

you burn out, and burn out hard.



…» moving away from a day that is fragmented into small tasks - “time confetti” 

Time confetti is a huge problem in today’s society.  With constant interruptions, distractions and the solving of small problems, you lose a ton of time. You look back on your day feeling like you haven’t accomplished much, but you never had a moment of down time either.

…» into having solid blocks of time to do deep, meaningful and impactful work

Moving the needle on the big projects that are really important to you, your career and the company are one of the biggest benefits of my program.

…» and getting out of the trees so you can see the forest

Who wants to constantly be dealing with the trees???  We have to see the forest because it’s the big picture that keeps us going.

…» and finally feeling calm and confident, knowing that you will get all your projects finished on time and leave the office feeling cool and collected.

Having a sense of calm knowing that everything has a place on your weekly calendar and will get taken care of in a timely fashion is truly priceless.


Nobody seems to have the answers…

You’ve tried scheduling apps, spreadsheets, to-do lists, sticky notes. You’ve tried mindset work and self-help books around over-achieving, over-doing, over-giving. You’ve read Do Less, and when that didn’t work, Do Nothing, but you’re still working weekends.

You can’t seem to stop overscheduling, over-committing, and falling behind.

Apps, organizers and self-help books are great tools, but they can’t help you until you master the fundamental skills of time management. Effective time management is the same as building a new habit: It takes time (weeks, months) and accountability, until it becomes automatic, and ease becomes your new normal. 


Hi, I’m Yvonne. 

I am a leadership coach, and I am extremely passionate about helping solve the never-ending dilemma of “not-enough time” for managers and entrepreneurs. 

I have helped leaders on different continents, across a variety of industries and on every rung of the corporate ladder become masters of their time once again. 

Clients who work with me say they feel incredible clarity, focus and direction, like a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. After they master what I teach, they feel centered, knowing exactly what they can, and need to, do each day.


It’s why I’ve created The Masterful Manager: Reclaim, Manage, and Own Your Time coaching program.

Managers and entrepreneurs leave my program with simple and practical tools – everything a manager or entrepreneur needs to get started making effective changes right away. Together, we put these tools in place during our coaching sessions and you can easily sustain them once the program is done.

What’s missing from the other things you have tried is the real-life implementation piece. I’ll bet that you have a system, you have an organizer or planner, and you put it into place. It works for Day 1, but on Day 2, your kid gets sick, your dog pees on the rug, your coworker is having an emotional breakdown, and your carefully planned week has just gone up in SMOKE. You feel like there is no coming back from that, so you wind back to Square 1, rushing to put out fires, working nights and weekends, dying inside. 

I help you defeat this vicious cycle. Let’s plan for those contingencies and build in time for the fires and unexpected issues that come up.  This is what all the other programs are missing and I want to change that for you. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. 

The entire process is actionable, uncomplicated and easy to implement.  Holding yourself to these new habits is what can be challenging, but I’ve got you. 

Built into my program are implementation weeks with check-ins and accountability to make sure you are doing what needs to get done.  I won’t leave you to your own devices. You will have my support at each and every step.


You can’t get this from an app…

In this program, you get to reclaim your evenings, weekends, time with your family and friends, all while doing meaningful work and becoming a more effective (and much calmer) leader. 

I am a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation and a Learning & Development Expert.  But it’s not my qualifications that matter.  What matters most is that I have been where you are now, and I can help you find your way.  And, I’ve also helped hundreds of other managers and entrepreneurs solve their struggles, too.


I’m the right partner for this journey because….


I love getting & being organized; suddenly the stress disappears like magic!

Having a lot on the go is status quo for me, and I love it. But it has to be balanced with time to enjoy the mosaic that makes up a full and colourful life, like...  

  • Physical fitness

  • “Me” time

  • Time with family and friends

  • Time for sleep

If any of these areas are off, then I feel off.

It truly doesn’t have to be hard.  Knowing where to start, what to tweak and how to implement effective change can make all the difference. Life should be fulfilling.  Living and loving every moment is our absolute right.  


 The Masterful Manager: Reclaim, Manage, and Own your Time Program

Every coaching session is followed by an implementation week with accountability and email support so you can practice using the tools in real-life and we can troubleshoot real-life obstacles together. 

A 6 week 1:1 coaching program to help you:

  • Get a handle on your schedule and calendar. This gives you back time to spend on yourself, with family and friends.

  • Prioritize what’s urgent and important

  • Stop overscheduling, over-committing, and getting blind-sided by fires that throw you off track

  • Feel confident, calm and collected knowing that projects will get completed on time.

There is no silver bullet! However, many of the obstacles to productivity can be solved.  And in my program, we look at some of the heavy-hitting obstacle removers that help you clean up your overloaded schedule for good.


What’s Included...

In our 6 week 1:1 coaching work you will get:

  • A detailed questionnaire to fill out before we begin to help me (and you) get a clear picture of where your schedule and organization tends to fall off track - $75

  • 3, 45min-long 1:1 sessions with me (that’s one every two weeks!) - $650 value

  • Email support and accountability on the implementation weeks between our coaching sessions so we can trouble-shoot how to maintain your organized schedule as life happens - $125 value

Total time commitment:  2.5 - 3 hours over the course of 6 weeks

Total value: $850

Your investment is only: $550


Here is the process we will follow

A 6 week, 1:1 coaching program to help you:


Week 1 - On the first 45min call, we get in depth about time blocking and task batching.  It’s the best way of finding blocks of time to do deep work.  Creating your calendar this way gives you time for yourself, your work, your hobbies, volunteering, working out, date night, sleep, cooking, housework, etc… 

We also look at what might be keeping you stuck in some unproductive routines and how to break through.

Week 2 – Implementation and email support (accountability). Put the practices we discussed during our call into practice.

Week 3 - On Call #2 (45min), we get clear on reasonable, realistic timelines for your upcoming big projects.  We write them down, set some targets and work through the milestones in between.

Week 4 – Implementation and email support (accountability).

Week 5 - On Call #3 (45min) we get really clear on your priorities, what’s urgent and what’s important. You leave this call knowing exactly what to focus on each and every day.

Week 6 – Implementation and email support (accountability).


 What my clients say about working with Me



“I’m SO busy. Will I even have time to do this?”

Let me ask you this — how much time does it take to dig yourself out of burnout? (A lot) 

There is no good time to take the chance and dive in — you have to decide that you want it badly enough, and then GO for it. It’s always going to be scary. And I know you are tired of waiting for the perfect time. The fact that you are here tells me you are ready (even if it’s scary!)

“I can’t pay the full amount all at once - can I break down the payment?” 

I’ve got you - we definitely have a payment plan!

“I’ve tried everything. How do I know this is going to work for me?” 

If you have tried everything, that tells me that you’re more ready than ever. It also tells me that those other things have not really gotten down to the root of what is keeping you stuck.

Many other programs give you cookie cutter solutions.  In my program, we will look at your individual work, schedule, responsibilities, tasks and everything else that you need to fit into your weekly calendar. 

We will come up with a system that works for you and I will hold you accountable to putting it in place.